Tamp and Stitch

I am super-delayed with this post but hey, it’s summer and you simply can’t expect me to be as efficient as always! 😉

I recently attended a photography workshop which was actually great and finally I understand that there’s WAY more I can do with my camera than the automatic settings!! better late than never again 😉

As it turned out to be a beautiful day, I thought I will share with you few snaps I took on the day which are just at the bottom of this post.

What I really want to talk about though is the coolest little cafe I discovered during our field trip. Tamp and Stitch is located on Essex Str West in Temple Bar and it’s a real dream come true for me: a combination of quirky, cool, designer fashion and an espresso bar. It doesn’t get much better than that! As all I had on me that day was my camera, I didn’t even get to taste the espresso but I plan to rectify that asap as it really did seem like the place to be, be seen at and most of all: have a great espresso!

Few of my outdoor pics below..

My first technically correct action photo 😉

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